Saturday, December 24, 2011

Raw Cocoa Bliss Balls

No soup today because... ITS CHRISTMAS EVE! Today I made some raw cocoa goodies to give to my extended family tonight at our big Christmas Eve dinner. I'm always excited to show off how tasty just pure wholesome ingredients can be without any processed sugar. I also hate giving people treats that I know will only put them on a blood sugar roller coaster ride. These on the other hand are sweet mainly because their base is dates and they are full of antioxidants (raw cocoa powder), quality fats (walnuts, almonds) and an all round "health bite" disguised as a dessert. Tricky huh? I found the recipe in one of my new favorite cookbooks called The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone.

Here are the ingredients:
(Makes 10 - 12 Balls)
• 1/2 cup walnuts
• 1/2 cup pitted dates
• Scant 1/2 cup raw carob powder
• Scant 1/2 cup maple syrup
• 1/2 cup almond butter
• 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
• 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
• 1/2 cup whole almonds
• 2 cups shredded coconut (sweetener or unsweetened)

This is all you need to do!...
1. Place the walnuts in a food processor & process until coarsely ground. Add the dates & pulse until well combined with the nuts.

2. Add the carob powder, syrup, almond butter, vanilla extract & salt. Process until mixture is thick & smooth.

3. Add the almonds, pulse a few times until combined, but you want them to remain in crunchy chunks so do not over process.

4. Form into golf-size balls with your hands. Roll the balls in coconut, icing sugar or whatever you desire.

I wrapped mine up in  pretty little packages and can't wait to share them with my family tonight. No one is going to believe me when I tell them that they are a healthy treat: )

1 comment:

  1. We are in tough Christmas training right now and I made these "Bliss Balls" as a treat for my apartment. Yummm, thank you Ellie! <3
