Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ginger Blues

Something blog-worthy has happened to me! Its devastating yet eye-opening to be sure. I just found out from a blood testing that I'm severly allergic to Ginger. That's right... the root that love so dearly and use in basically every way I possibly can is toxic to my body. Sniff. I'm most definitely going through with drawls as you can imagine but I have just confirmed what I have only read about in my nutrition books: usually what you intensely crave is something that your body is overwhelmed with and most likely allergic to. Ever have intense salt or sugar cravings? Sadly enough that usually means you need to stay far away and not honor those cravings. Easier said then done. I know. BUT the silver lining to this cloud is that once you detox your body from an allergen it will function beautifully and not be bogged down trying to protect itself from what it deems as a pathogen. I'm still at the point of intense cravings right now but will update you along the way as I continue my breakup saga with ginger. . . Do you have any food in your life that you crave constantly? Might be something you need to live without for just a little while. Like anything in life, too much of a good thing can cause problems.

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